#emergegang post Finally it took me almost 2 years to understand the idea of ted talk “Do NOT follow your dreams”. Such a strange feeling... My biggest discovery for today is Amina Adigova. Totally new view on hard skills/soft skills 🕑Time to speak about hybrid skills, real skills🕒 Shift happens (the name of the presentation) - it’s going to become my life slogan😂😂 Also I was a bit confused and surprised to hear a lot of information, dedicated to sustainability. It’s my first time hearing a speech on this topic during tech conference. Maybe sustainable development has even more power than I thought previously... Anyway, I’m really proud that really cool, high level conference takes place in Minsk! Finally, I really enjoyed time with @iweinrazvadovskaya and @giuseppe_baldini_ Thanx for coming ❤️ Also was really happy to meet @glepeykooo 😊 Media people always there when something cool happens 😂❤️ #emerge2018 #speakers #startup #conference #sustainability #sdg #education #experience @ ЦЭХ

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